新北瑞芳礦鄉自清末探勘、日本殖民開發至國民政府接管,輪番上演著黑金、黃金的榮景與消逝。今日,層次豐富的產業文化景觀,在時光中凝鍊光采,不斷吸引各領域人士到訪探索。 本展覽從曾親身參與礦事的時代藝術家—倪蔣懷、蔣瑞坑、洪瑞麟等人的畫作出發,挖掘出地方文化動能;藉由藝術家之眼,遙想礦事現場的形貌。展覽以藝術家的畫作圖像與AR 擴增實境的互動設計,呈現出精簡流暢卻深刻生動的礦事記述,帶給觀者具有穿越感的視覺體驗。
From the early exploration in late Qing Dynasty and through the development during the Japanese Colonial time to the takeover of the ROC Government, Ruifang, known as the mining township in New Taipei City, witnessed the great prosperity and bitter loss of the coal and gold mines. Over time, this rich heritage has condensed into a narrative of brilliance that continues to attract people from all fields to visit and explore this remarkable industrial culture. The exhibition features the paintings of contemporary artists who personally participated in the mining. They are Ni Chiang-Huai, Chiang Jui-Keng, and Hung Jui-Lin. Through their images, we unearth the local cultural dynamics and through their visions, we are able to imagine the conditions of the mine sites. In the exhibition, replicated paintings and interactive AR devices present a concise yet profound and vivid narrative of mining and draw the viewers into a visual experience and a sense of time travel.
A Place Born of Mining
位於北臺灣的瑞芳,於日治時期以前即有採礦紀錄,最早如1825年顏家看上航運的發展而開始在焿子寮從事煤礦事業;1890年鐵路工人於基隆河發現砂金,則意外掀起淘金熱潮,後續並開啟採金事業。甲午戰爭後,日人積極引進新機械與技術,進行探勘與採煉,才真正帶起北臺灣的礦業產值。 四腳亭礦區為日治時期最重要的產煤區,也是促進臺灣煤礦產業朝向現代化發展的起點;二戰後,李家承購猴硐瑞三煤礦,並持續開發新礦區,也為猴硐帶來一段豐收歲月。九份與金瓜石地區則因含金露頭的開挖,於日治時期起就不斷創造豐厚產值,1933年的金瓜石更曾因為金礦產值再創高峰,而獲「亞洲第一貴金屬礦山」美名。 只是礦業也不斷遭受外力影響,全球尺度的礦價下跌、主要能源的改變、加上接連不斷的礦災及環境議題,讓瑞芳的礦業逐漸沒落。但取而代之恢復綠意的山城中,礦業的鑿痕隱隱顯露,如嶄新的礦,至今仍使人流連忘返,也創造出以礦業為基調的觀光旅遊產業。瑞芳可說是因礦而生之地,無論礦業興盛或沒落,始終因礦而嶄露其特殊。
Mining in Ruifang began before the Japanese colonial period. As early as 1825, the Yan family started their mining business in the Gengziliao area due to the development in steam shipping. In 1890, railway workers discovered gold in the Keelung River, which set off a gold rush, followed by extensive gold mining. After the Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese introduced new machinery and technology for the exploration and mining of minerals and precious metals, a systematic effort which really boosted the mining output of northern Taiwan. Sijioting was the most important coal mining area during the Japanese colonial period. It was the starting point of the modernization of Taiwan’s coal mining industry. After World War II, the Li family opened the Ruisan Coal Mine in Houtong and continued to develop new mining areas, which led to a period of prosperity in Houtong. During the Japanese colonial period, the excavation of the rich gold-bearing outcrops in the Jiufen and Jinguashi areas continued to create substantial wealth. In 1933, Jinguashi gained the reputation as “The No. 1 Precious Metal Mine in Asia” as its output of gold reached a new peak. Sadly, the mining industry was constantly affected by external forces. The global decline in mineral prices, changes in major energy sources, multiple mining disasters and environmental concerns led to the gradual decline of Ruifang’s mining industry. The mining town was slowly reclaimed by vegetation of the mountains, yet the history of mining was conserved and the mines were restored to such an extent that the town now has become the center of a successful tourism industry that attracts thousands of visitors every year. We can say that Ruifang is a place born of mining. The mining boom of the past as well as the decline of the industry provides a sense of drama that makes the town truly unique.
Development of Mining in Ruifang
The Yen family mined coal in Gengziliao, becoming the earliest recorded private mining business in the region.
Sand gold was discovered in Keelung River, creating a gold rush.
The Government-General of Taiwan issued the “Rules Governing Mining in Taiwan,” dividing the area with present-day Keelung Mountain into the Jinguashih Mines to the east and “Ruifang Mines” to the west.
The Government-General designated the Sijiaoting area as a coal reserve for the navy and banned coal mining in the area.
The Fujita Company leased some mines in Jiufen to the Yen family.
Mudankeng Mines opened and came to be referred to as the “three gold mountains of Keelung” with the Ruifang and Jinguashih mines.
Mechanical equipment was installed at Sijiaoting Mines. Slope mines were developed, which other mining operations also adopted, modernizing coal mining for the whole industry.
Rich enargite deposits were discovered in Benshan, Jinguashih, kickstarting the copper refining industry in Taiwan.
The Government-General partially lifted the ban on coal mining in Sijiaoting.
Yen Yun-nian leased the entire Ruifang Mines and collaborated with the Japanese in mining coal in Sijiaoting.
Mitsui & Co. and Yen Yun-nian co-financed Keelung Coal Mining Company.
The Yen family founded Taiyang Mining Company, becoming a powerful business that controlled both gold and coal.
Japan Mining Company acquired Jinguashih Mines, expanded equipment, and thus greatly increased gold production.
The Li family leased the mining rights in Houtong and operated coal mining.
Taiyang Mining Co. Ltd. Was founded.
The Li family founded Ruisan Mining Co. Ltd., which was the largest coal company in Taiwan.
Taiwan Metal Mining Co. Ltd. (TMM) was founded.
Gold mining in Jiufen ceased.
TMM ceased operations.
Ruisan stopped coal mining.
Artists bearing witness to time
with their paintbrushes
Mining is an industry where men closely interact with the land. The unpredictable fortune of the miners has been neatly captured in the following words: “Just a while ago they were poor, then the next moment they’ll get rich, and soon they’ll have their houses built.” Whether it's to make ends meet or the dream of getting rich overnight, miners have to fight against nature, risking their lives. The hard and dangerous work and the extraordinary visual scenes moved the hearts of miner artists such as Ni Chiang-Huai, Chiang Jui-Keng, Hung Jui-Lin who, through their paintbrushes, created vivid and touching records of the life and struggle in the mines.
The struggle for survival in the pit
Work in the mines was extremely difficult. The harsh environment in the tunnels involved many risks, many of them life-threatening dangers such as collapses, gas leaks, and fires. Miners had to face serious challenges within the narrow working area. Through the rough artistic brushstrokes and thick patches of color, we sense the claustrophobic intensity of the work in the tunnels. The faint figures of the miners, constantly digging ahead and covered with sweat and dust, creates a crescendo of accumulated energy in the picture.
A face that coexists with the mine
Life in the deep mines is different from the world on the surface. It operates at a different pace. The workers shuttle through mineshafts and tunnels and follow the rules of the game in the underground. The mine is a miniature society. The miners form a community of shared life and have a tacit understanding of the concept of life and death that goes beyond words. From the portraits of miners, we see that every facial contour and body line are marked with the furrows of experience like a rugged land and they all express a hint of indifference amid the perseverance.
The landscape changed by the mine
Through the last hundred years, the mountain town has experienced the ups and downs of the mining business and the growth and decline of population. The landscape is no longer the same it was back then. The underground world has stopped, but a different chapter has begun on the surface. Through the pictures, we are able to see and experience that dramatic and difficult era, as if the past breathing deep down in the mineshafts still manages to move the earth’s surface ever so slightly up and down.